Dear 2021…

Julianna O.
4 min readDec 31, 2020

Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Dear 2021,

2020 has been rough– a year I feel we all collectively would be okay with throwing in the trash and having no regret about it whatsoever. It’s actually even hard to believe that this year is finally coming to an end, because these last 366 days have felt like a blur.

Throughout the year, the world hasn’t been the nicest to many of us.

We started the year witnessing the destructive wildfires that devastated Australia, and in a matter of a few months we all became confined to our homes as the coronavirus ravaged the globe. Over these last several months, we have experienced suffering, anger, financial insecurity, guilt, anxiety, loneliness and despair as we’re trying to process, understand and navigate the pandemic and this entirely new world.

Amidst the beginning of the pandemic, I never would’ve guessed that the world and life as we know it would never be the same. During our Spring Break, we got word that there would be a 2 week extension with the news of a disease spreading and I assumed it would all soon blow over. In fact, I was even excited about having a much needed break.

I didn’t know that would be the last time I’d have study sessions nightly with my friends, or take late night trips to Walmart with hopes of our favorite snacks being available. I didn’t know that I would be completing my degree at a distance, with the closest form of personal communication being via a Zoom call. I didn’t know I would no longer be able to sit at my grandma’s kitchen table, eating her homemade dumplings while catching up on what we’ve missed. I didn't know how much would be taken from me– I don’t think anyone really did.

Yet despite it all, I still am trying to look at the positive side of things.

Many say that 2020 has taken more than it has given, but if you dig a little bit deeper, you can see that even some of the negatives result in positives. After being restricted from visiting family and friends, we have learned to value each and every moment we are given with these individuals because you never know when it’ll be the last. And yes, even though being quarantined in our homes has been frustrating to say the least, our furry friends are loving all of the extra time we’ve spent with them.

This year has taken so, so much from us: our loved ones, our identities and our world. However, I didn’t hate this year, because this year has shown me so much. 2020 has taught me the value of time (yes, even the small moments), and how we respond to adversities gives us the power to grow into stronger human beings.

With the year coming to a close, many of us will be entering 2021 with broken hearts and exhaustion off the charts. We continue to live unknowing of what tomorrow will look like. So, 2021, please show us some clemency– because a lot of us are in dire need of it.

2020 has demonstrated that the pressure around positivity in our world (especially going into a new year) has left a lot of people feeling hopeless and scared. Instead of believing there are simple solutions to complex problems, approach 2021 with baby steps. Focus on yourself, give yourself the credits you deserve, and heal– we just made it through one of the toughest years of our lives.

In the words of Marc Lipsitch, “We’re just clambering into a life raft. Dry land is far away.”

Celebrate the demise of 2020 and embrace the new year with hope for a better tomorrow.

“Together we are strong, no matter the distance between us.”



Julianna O.

"The best thing another human being can do is to help another human being know more." - Charlie Munger